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I dedicate my candle to: [person's name / username]
2009-02-26 [.Toxic Valentine.]: omg i love you. XD
2009-02-26 [dawn bolly]: everyone loves rook :D
2009-02-26 [.Toxic Valentine.]: lol. ily too dawnage! *hugs*
2009-02-26 [dawn bolly]: aawh ^^ *hugs*
2009-02-26 [ReineBloodwolf]: *sniff sniff* no hug 4 me?
2009-02-26 [dawn bolly]: *hug*
2009-02-26 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle* ty dawn^^
2009-02-27 [Rook.]: I love you too Acers! *hugs tight*
2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *pouts* meani and me?
2009-02-27 [dawn bolly]: i love kings of leon :)
2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *cool* *pouts*
2009-02-27 [.Toxic Valentine.]: oh dear god .. *hides*
2009-02-27 [Rook.]: *hids with ACE* what are we hiding from..?
2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *WAAAAAAAAAAAA
2009-02-27 [Rook.]: *dies*
2009-02-27 [.Toxic Valentine.]: the kings of leon.
2009-02-27 [Rook.]: never heard of them...
2009-02-27 [.Toxic Valentine.]: just as well. dont you look them up.
2009-02-27 [Rook.]: okay. I wont.
*sits on twitching fingers*
2009-02-27 [dawn bolly]: o my damn things >< they are good :P
2009-02-28 [.Toxic Valentine.]: im ....not a fann...
2009-03-01 [dawn bolly]: lol oo i'm tired now i went to a drum and base party and it whas great only now i'm tired xD
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: W00T!
2009-03-02 [Asator Stormbringer]: I must say, kings of leon surprised me.., kinda good single, that last one..
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: I'm still not allowed to go look :S
2009-03-02 [Asator Stormbringer]: http://www.you
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: *gets a sneaky look and jame's bond music plays as she sneaks over to the link and dives into it, then dives out of it after 54 seconds, scared*
2009-03-02 [Give Me Red]: lol are they any good?
2009-03-02 [Asator Stormbringer]: they're not special, but yeah they're good
2009-03-02 [Give Me Red]: alright then ill check it out later im in class i cant listen to music right now XP
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: It....was..... I don't know... I don't really like his voice....
2009-03-02 [Give Me Red]: was it creepy?
2009-03-02 [Asator Stormbringer]: I know.., specially in the beginning.., it gets better later :P
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: ....*is unwilling to try it*
2009-03-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *shakes head* tsk tsk.
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: I'm sorry Acers.... *poins at Tris* He made me do it....
2009-03-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ahh! dont blames people! xo
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: ^^ I only do it cuz I love him and he knows it and he can't do anything about it :P Poor Tris :P Poor Acers adn Dawn too... Lexi loves them all, and they can't do a thing about it :P ^^ *gives everyone a hug*
2009-03-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: lol. ily. xo
2009-03-02 [dawn bolly]: hi guys how are you ?
2009-03-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ill. but happy. and you? xo
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: *watches*
2009-03-02 [dawn bolly]: i'm okay still a bit tired but o well ill survive
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: *gives you caffine, tehn sneaks back into teh shadows, watching*
2009-03-02 [dawn bolly]: thank tyou rookie is it black coffee with sugar ? :D
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: *shrugs* I dunno.
2009-03-02 [dawn bolly]: *looks around*
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: Hiii.
2009-03-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i gave up coffee for lent.
2009-03-02 [Rook.]: O.O
2009-03-02 [dawn bolly]: my lip hurts :(
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: awww :S what hapened?
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: i bite in it by exident ><
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: AWwww. i'm sorry. :S
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: lol its okay
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: oaky. i'm glad. :)
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: i dont feel it anymore just yesterday lol
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: oooh. well, now I'm jsut confused.
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: i just felt it yesterday :P the lip thingie :P
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: *rolls eyes* XD
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: o well nvm xD *looking for the feather hill*
2009-03-03 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i thinks im in love again.. =/
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: oooh....with whom?
2009-03-03 [.Toxic Valentine.]: this guy from work. Gareth. He's lovely. He's so similar to me.. but thats what i fear most. thats why me and jack went so drastically wrong..
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: i wish i whas inlove :( its an magical feeling
2009-03-03 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *sighs*
2009-03-03 [Asator Stormbringer]: so true =]
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: aarg i'm bored and ronald isnt in town either :(
2009-03-03 [Rook.]: Ronald McDonald?
2009-03-03 [dawn bolly]: noo dlanor :P hes at the gf of his brothers bday >< :P
2009-03-04 [Rook.]: .... his brother's gf's birhtday...?
2009-03-04 [dawn bolly]: yeah something like that xD
wait they just married so its fam :P
2009-03-04 [Rook.]: ooookay.... this got confusing... ^^
2009-03-04 [dawn bolly]: sorry lol :P
2009-03-04 [Rook.]: ^^ nah its fine. Trust me, If I had to explain MY family, it would get SO confusing, its not even funny.
2009-03-04 [dawn bolly]: lol
2009-03-04 [Rook.]: I mean, seriously! They all live in ONE neighbor hood, theya ll do drugs, they drink way to much, they are all intermarried..
2009-03-04 [dawn bolly]: :( *hugs tight*
2009-03-04 [Rook.]: *hugs back* Its fine... I'm just glad that I don't visist them often.
2009-03-04 [dawn bolly]: okie
2009-03-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: *yells supersonicly* HI YALL!
2009-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *mew*
2009-03-08 [dawn bolly]: *shivers*
2009-03-08 [ReineBloodwolf]: *hugs dawn* me will keep u warm me have fur!*turns to werewolf puppy form*
2009-03-08 [ReineBloodwolf]: see look
2009-03-09 [Rook.]: Acers...?
2009-03-09 [ReineBloodwolf]: giggle
2009-03-09 [Rook.]: Hiya doll, whats up?
2009-03-09 [ReineBloodwolf]: giggle wut up!
2009-03-09 [dawn bolly]: tiredness
2009-03-10 [ReineBloodwolf]: awww!
2009-03-29 [CrystalBlaze]: CUTE!
2009-03-29 [.Toxic Valentine.]: just so you know - im not planning to be around here much.
2009-03-29 [dawn bolly]: i know :(
2009-03-30 [ReineBloodwolf]: u mean dawn!
2009-03-30 [dawn bolly]: ?
2009-03-30 [Rook.]: whats wrong acers...?
2009-03-30 [dawn bolly]: yeah i have the same question ><
2009-03-30 [Rook.]: : S
2009-03-30 [dawn bolly]: well duno why she is leaving i wanted to ask her on msn but she didnt reply on me ><
2009-03-30 [dawn bolly]: o and why am i mean ? ><
2009-03-30 [ReineBloodwolf]: cuz u said u'd leave!
2009-03-30 [Rook.]: okay, and how is that mean?
2009-03-30 [ReineBloodwolf]: cuz he no give me a hug giggle!
2009-03-30 [dawn bolly]: erm i dont leave ?
2009-03-30 [Rook.]: *shrugs*
2009-03-30 [ReineBloodwolf]: HI ROO!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-05-01 [CrystalBlaze]: hello all
2009-05-01 [ReineBloodwolf]: HI!
2009-05-03 [Rook.]: Hello, how are you?
2009-05-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: me fine n u?
2009-05-06 [Lady Arrianya]: WIKI COMMENT DOMINATION TIME!!!!! *huggletackles rook*
2009-05-06 [Rook.]: whooot!!! *ish huggtackled* ^^
2009-05-06 [Lady Arrianya]: *cuddlehuggles rook, licking her face with my tail wagging*
2009-05-06 [Rook.]: *giggles*
2009-05-06 [Lady Arrianya]: *wolf grin*
2009-05-06 [Rook.]: ^.^ *feels loved*
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: O.o im dreaming or i died n went to hell
2009-05-06 [dawn bolly]: hmm ur dreaming i think
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: hi dawn *smiles nervously*
2009-05-06 [dawn bolly]: hi hi
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: GIGGLE! hi hi^.^♥
2009-05-06 [dawn bolly]: i'm soo happy :)
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: lol y?
2009-05-06 [dawn bolly]: going to see lisa again the begin of next month ^^
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: KEWL!
2009-05-06 [dawn bolly]: yesh yesh :)
2009-05-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: lol♥.♥
2009-05-12 [Lady Arrianya]: *cuddleses lex*
2009-05-13 [Rook.]: *ish cuddled and ish happy*
2009-05-13 [Lady Arrianya]: *ish flat pissy*
2009-05-14 [Rook.]: awww...what's wrong?
2009-05-15 [Lady Arrianya]: alot of things my dear lex........
2009-05-18 [Rook.]: *hugs* I have a new number if you want to call.
2009-05-20 [dawn bolly]: quit expensive if i wanted 2 :P
2009-05-20 [Rook.]: I was talking to anya, Dawn :P
2009-05-21 [CrystalBlaze]: ok hey
2009-05-21 [Rook.]: Hello there
2009-05-21 [dawn bolly]: i know rookieee
2009-05-21 [dawn bolly]: und greetings :)
2009-05-21 [Rook.]: *laughs* ^^mkay.
2009-05-21 [ReineBloodwolf]: lol
2009-07-10 [CrystalBlaze]: eh??? u all confusled me
2009-07-10 [dawn bolly]: sorry about that
2009-07-13 [Lady Arrianya]: *goes and snuggles tightly into poe, eying all the ppl* i barely have time to even breathe anymore dear poe
2009-07-26 [CrystalBlaze]: eh you confuzled me not nice waawaaawaaawaa
2009-07-28 [Ukia]: *confuzzled* *ponders the nature of nondragons*
2009-08-18 [dawn bolly]: oke now i'm lost
2009-08-20 [CrystalBlaze]: what we talk bout me confuzzled
2009-08-21 [dawn bolly]: nobody knows
2009-08-22 [Lady Arrianya]: poe dear send me your new phone number so i can call you and tell you all the news that i have.....an be prepared to have your ear talked off because there is alot of it
2009-08-22 [CrystalBlaze]: who me??? *Looks confuzzled*
2009-08-23 [Lady Arrianya]: no M6:34
2009-08-25 [dawn bolly]: i miss rook
2009-08-25 [Lady Arrianya]: i sorry....i misses me poe
2009-08-26 [CrystalBlaze]: ooo me thought u talk bout me sory. *Poof* cake ?
2009-08-27 [dawn bolly]: i misssss my roookie shes here soon again ye its [Rook.]
2009-08-29 [CrystalBlaze]: hey me come home home soon.
2009-08-29 [Ukia]: You said 'home' twice.
2009-08-29 [CrystalBlaze]: oopps me no mean 2 *Talks like cave man*
2009-08-29 [Ukia]: Why? *ponders* Now you be strange.
2009-08-29 [CrystalBlaze]: it camp strangeness
2009-08-29 [Ukia]: Ah. That make sense. *blinks* Me think so, anyway. *ponders sanity*
2009-08-29 [CrystalBlaze]: *starts to spin in circles*
2009-08-29 [Ukia]: Oh, dear. *whacks CrystalBlaze*
2009-08-30 [dawn bolly]: *go play a song on guitar in the meanwhile*
2009-08-31 [Lady Arrianya]: *listens to dawn's playing*
2009-09-10 [CrystalBlaze]: *continues to spin in circles*
2009-09-11 [dawn bolly]: its not a hyper song lol
2009-09-11 [CrystalBlaze]: to me it is continues to spin
2009-09-12 [dawn bolly]: Oo allrighty than
2009-09-13 [CrystalBlaze]: *Spins Spins Spins*
2009-09-14 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o headache
2009-09-16 [CrystalBlaze]: y
2009-09-16 [Lady Arrianya]: idk XD
2009-09-17 [dawn bolly]: maybe of the hyper [CrystalBlaze] ;)
2009-09-18 [Ukia]: *blinks* *confuzzled expression*
2009-09-19 [CrystalBlaze]: me hyper so what hyper be fun me go hunt human now
2009-09-22 [Lady Arrianya]: lol
2009-09-22 [dawn bolly]: haha :P
2009-11-28 [CrystalBlaze]: me tired me so sleep now
2009-11-28 [dawn bolly]: sleep well *geve a blanket*
2009-12-11 [Lady Arrianya]: *curls up in her corner*
2009-12-11 [Rook.]: *curls up around Anya*
2009-12-11 [Lady Arrianya]: *sighs heavily*
2009-12-11 [Rook.]: *huggles and holds close* what's wrong, dearest?
2009-12-11 [Lady Arrianya]: Alot....
too much to talk about on here
2009-12-11 [Rook.]: alright.
2010-01-03 [CrystalBlaze]: what ??? u creatures weird. ZZZZZZZ *falls asleep*
2010-01-03 [Lady Arrianya]: ok then.....
2010-01-03 [dawn bolly]: happy new year people !
2010-03-15 [Rook.]: I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt, [Hobbit teen]. :(
2010-03-16 [Hobbit teen]: its fine :) she's in a better place anyhow...she died this summer but i still miss her
2010-03-16 [Rook.]: *huggles* I know, I lost an aunt (adopted aun, but she was still family) When i was 8, so i know hows you feel.
2010-03-16 [dawn bolly]: and there are no problems with missing ur aunt *hug*
2010-03-17 [Lady Arrianya]: Or an uncle for that matter. I lost my uncle, a vetran of Vietnam on...of all freaking days...vetrans day.
They think the cancer treatments he was going through and the stress the fornyae gangreen that he had in 08 had finally caught up to the point where his body just couldnt take it anymore. How I miss him!
I am sorry to hear Hobbit. Hope you can live on with happiness and awareness in her honor
2010-03-18 [Hobbit teen]: thank you rook, dawn bolly and Lady Arrianya;
I'll pray for her to hear tonight...and i'm so sorry to hear about your families as well *huggles*
2010-03-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *hug*
2010-03-22 [Hobbit teen]: *huggle back*
2010-07-31 [CrystalBlaze]: I Am back from camp
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